

RCMP Comments on New Bill C-71 ‘Non-Restricted’ Gun Transfer Processing, Penalties — The RCMP responds below to our questions on transferring so-called “Non-Restricted” rifles and shotguns since May 18, when new criminalizations from Bill C-71 (2019) targeting government-licensed gun owners took effect.


Blair’s Office Outlines Next Steps Against Gun Owners (Correction)

(Correction Dec. 27: Corrects headline and article to delete incorrect analysis of planned handgun prohibitions.) — The office of Canadian Minister Bill Blair outlines the next steps in the government’s planned laws against federally licensed gun owners.

Saskatchewan to Block Trudeau Handgun Confiscations With New Law — Saskatchewan said today it will block the mass handgun confiscations being drafted by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the latest measure to stop federal attacks against firearm owners and businesses. The province proposed amendments to Bill 194, the Miscellaneous Municipal Statutes Amendment Act, 2019, which was originally introduced in the fall. Trudeau is…