2017 Year in Review

31 December 2017
Reading time is 2 minutes

TheGunBlog.ca — Following are the most-viewed articles of 2017, and other highlights of the year.

Thank you to everyone who read, shared, commented and subscribed to the leading source of news, analysis and insight for Canadian shooters.

Most Viewed Articles of 2017

  1. Glock Cuts Pistol Prices in Canada, Leading to Industry Shakeup
  2. Kevin O’Leary Gets So Much Wrong About Guns
  3. Glock 19 Canadian Version Coming With Special Barrel, Maple Leaf
  4. How Long and How Much for a Gun Licence in Canada?
  5. Andrew Scheer on Guns: Recap of New Conservative Leader’s Policy
  6. No Selfies With Guns, Halifax Police Say. You Know What We Say?
  7. SIG Sauer MPX Approved by RCMP as 5-Round ‘Restricted’ Carbine
  8. More Than 90,000 Canadians Are Allowed to Carry Guns Every Day
  9. Ontario Police Pick Glock 17M as Pistol to Start Service in 2018
  10. Man Who Shot Home Intruder Won’t Face Murder Charge, CBC Reports

Other Milestones of 2017

  • February: Government appoints new firearm advisory committee.
  • March: Study claiming to research firearm injuries in youth has unusual, unclear or misleading definitions of “firearms,” “injuries” and “youth.”
  • March-May: Gun imports surge as industry braces for June 1 law requiring new markings on imported firearms. Law is delayed until 2018.
  • June: National Firearms Association wrongfully obtains and uses Conservative Party mailing list.
  • June: Transcript from 2015 shows RCMP kept half of so-called Long-Gun Registry, despite being instructed to destroy it.
  • December: Data show Canadians are buying more than 1,000 handguns, AR-15 rifles and other so-called “Restricted” guns a week.
  • December: Government says new gun law coming in “near future,” but unlikely before late January.

Month With the Most Page Views

  • December (New record. Previous record: November)

Day With the Most New Subscribers

  • December 6 (New record)

Generated Most Angry Comments

Took Longest to Research

Attracted Highest Reader Response

Oddest Surprise

  • Finding TheGunBlog.ca’s article about the Canadian Rangers rifle on a Lady Gaga fan website.

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