Quebec City to Ask Feds for New Gun Ban Like Current Gun Ban
25 August — Quebec City Council will ask the government of Canada for gun laws that are the same as current gun laws: ban handguns and semi-automatic firearms except for authorized users, such as military, police, hunters, sport shooters and collectors.
Editorial From 1921 Gun Magazine Shows Same Challenges as Today
25 August — The more things change, the more they stay the same. The editorial in the March 1921 edition of Rod and Gun in Canada shows gun owners face the same challenges today as a century ago.
Toronto Police Union President: ‘A Gun Ban Is Not the Solution’
24 August — The head of the Toronto police labour union said today “A gun ban is not the solution,” rejecting the outgoing mayor’s demands to confiscate firearms from all licensed gun owners in the city and across Canada. The comment also opposes prohibitions being considered by the prime minister.
Goodale Says Handgun Ban Study Is ‘Under Way,’ Globe Reports
22 August — The Canadian government is examining whether to ban handguns from federally licensed sport shooters and won’t make a decision at this week’s cabinet retreat, the Globe and Mail reported last night, citing two ministers.
‘Restricted’ Firearm Ownership Rose to Record in June
22 August — The number of so-called “Restricted” handguns and rifles owned by Canadian individuals rose to a record in June after more than five years of uninterrupted monthly increases, as federally licensed gun owners bought semi-automatic pistols and rifles for plinking, recreation and competition.
The Scary Part Isn’t a Gun Ban, It’s That Our Leaders Want One
21 August — The scary thing about living in Canada today isn’t only the threat of gun confiscation, it’s that our leaders want it so badly and nobody is standing in the way. This is our country today: the municipal councils of the two largest and most influential cities, the editors of the No. 2 newspaper,…
Montreal Council Votes Unanimously to Take Guns from PAL Holders
20 August — Montreal City Council voted unanimously today to copy Toronto and ask the federal government to confiscate all handguns and all “assault rifles” from all federally licensed hunters and sport shooters in Canada.
Three Top Cops Don’t Support Banning Guns From Lawful Owners
19 August — Three of Canada’s top active and retired police leaders indicated this week they don’t support banning guns from lawful hunters and sport shooters, differing from politicians and media calling for confiscations across the country. Who Brenda Lucki, Commissioner, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Largest police force in Canada) Adam Palmer, President, Canadian Association of…
Toronto ‘Crime Guns’ Traced to Canada Fell to New Low in 2017
19 August — Toronto police data show the percentage of so-called “crime guns” traced to Canada fell for a second straight year in 2017 to the lowest level in at least four years, contrasting with claims that outlaws are getting more of their firearms from domestic sources.
RCMP Chief Lucki Questions Value of Handgun Ban, She Tells CBC
18 August — RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki questioned the value of banning handguns from Canada’s licensed sport shooters to stop criminal violence and said she isn’t aware of data showing where outlaws get their weapons, she told CBC radio in an interview broadcast today.