
RCMP Kept Half of Long-Gun Registry Data, 2015 Transcript Shows

The RCMP kept almost half the data from Canada’s so-called “Long-gun Registry” that was stopped by law in 2012, a two-year-old official transcript shows. The law ordered all registration records destroyed. Gun owners are concerned about government’s plans for registry data and suspicious of RCMP statements about what was or wasn’t erased. RCMP kept what…


Handgun Imports From Austria Surge (Correction)

(Correction 07 September 2019: Removes industry executive’s comments about importer.) Canada imported 5,481 handguns valued at $1.49 million from Austria in April, data released today by Statistics Canada showed, more than any month since April 2001. In all of 2016, 1,949 revolvers and pistols valued at $811,046 came from Austria. The data don’t show who made the guns…

Canada Postpones Firearms Marking Regulations for Eighth Time

The Canadian government postponed its Firearms Marking Regulations for the eighth time since they were adopted in 2004 amid confusion about how to enforce and obey the policy and concern about its effects. This was the first deferral by a governing party that had campaigned on a plan to implement the rules “immediately.”

RCMP Trial This Week Focused on This Report Recommending AR-15

Here is a 2010 report that recommended the RCMP adopt the AR-15 rifle. The study and its author were in focus this week at a trial to decide if Canada’s federal police are guilty of having failed to provide appropriate equipment and training to officers responding to attackers. The case is relevant to all of us.


We Paid $380,600 to Coalition for Gun Control in 2002: Hoplite

Canadians paid $380,600 to the Coalition for Gun Control in 2002 through government funding, according to a report by the Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada and published by Hoplite Tactical. Even if it was 15 years ago, it shows how gun owners, shooters and hunters finance those fighting us. This isn’t just ancient history.

CSSA Does Point-by-Point Takedown of Misleading CBC Gun Video

(Update: CBC temporarily removed the video on April 12 after a complaint to its ombudsman. Christopher di Armani saw that as a victory for shooters. I agree and develop that theme here.) The Canadian Shooting Sports Association did a superb point-by-point takedown of a CBC video on gun laws packed with errors, misleading suggestions and possibly a wrongful confiscation by law-enforcement officers.