- 15 September 2022TheGunBlog.ca — The Canadian government comments on the possible October timing for its regulations to prohibit government-licensed handgunners from legally…
- 05 September 2022TheGunBlog.ca — Watch our video with James Cassells, Glock’s Canadian sales manager, discussing the handgun market and the company’s future…
- 05 August 2022TheGunBlog.ca — Canada’s government-licensed firearm users bought almost 90,000 handguns in the seven weeks after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said…
- 04 August 2022TheGunBlog.ca — Watch our video interview with Jim Newman about preparing, producing and publishing his book, “That Dog Don't Hunt:…
- 31 July 2022Highlights - Price List: Liberals Offer $1,337 to AR-15 Owners in Mass Gun Confiscations - Saskatchewan CFO Opposes Bill C-21…
- 19 July 2022TheGunBlog.ca — Watch our video chat today with Wes Winkel, the president of the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition and…
- 10 June 2022TheGunBlog.ca — Canada’s anti-gun Firearms Act empowers the Senate to fast-track planned regulations targeting gun users, and cabinet can then…
- 08 June 2022TheGunBlog.ca — The RCMP responds below to our questions on transferring so-called “Non-Restricted” rifles and shotguns since May 18, when…
- 04 June 2022TheGunBlog.ca — Canadian PM Justin Trudeau will update Bill C-21 with an amendment to expand the rifle and shotgun confiscations…
- 02 June 2022TheGunBlog.ca — The Liberals could use their planned Order in Council (OIC) to kill the legal handgun market any day,…
- 23 March 2022TheGunBlog.ca — Almost all the gun owners targeted by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s May 2020 mass criminalizations rejected his…
- 21 March 2022TheGunBlog.ca — The number of Canadians with a government-issued gun licence rose 1.8% in 2021 to a year-end record, as…
- 13 March 2022TheGunBlog.ca — Watch our interview with Allan Harding, Canadian national pistol champion. We cover topics including: shooting a pistol at…
- 28 February 2022TheGunBlog.ca — Watch our interview with Donovan Dewis, the publisher of Canadian Access To Firearms (CATF).
- 25 February 2022TheGunBlog.ca — The Canadian government department running the mass criminalization of licensed gun owners since May 2020 declined to say…
- 17 February 2022TheGunBlog.ca — Canada’s Department of Public Safety comments below on its “technical consultations” questionnaire e-mailed to 23 gun businesses last…
- 14 February 2022TheGunBlog.ca — Watch our interview with Wes Winkel, president of the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association and owner of…
- 30 December 2021TheGunBlog.ca — The Canadian subsidiary of Beretta Holding Group, one of the world’s biggest gun companies, said 2021 sales were…
- 28 December 2021TheGunBlog.ca — Watch our conversation “swapcast” with Travis Bader, the owner of Silvercore and the producer of the Silvercore Podcast.…
- 16 December 2021Watch our interview with Spyros Chrysochou, who runs the Canadian operations of Beretta Holding Group as general manager of Stoeger…