Liberals Could In Theory Kill Legal Handgun Market Any Day

02 June 2022
Reading time is 4 minutes — Canada’s governing Liberal Party could use its impending cabinet “Order in Council” (OIC) to kill the legal handgun market any day, and certainly before the fall.

Here is a snapshot of the process and procedure behind the possible timing.

Editor’s Note

Why It Matters

  • Some gun owners and businesses are concerned the OIC could come today or tomorrow.
  • Some believe they have months of leeway ahead to buy, sell, and transfer handguns.
  • Too many gun owners are focused on Bill C-21 and missing the OIC altogether.

What We Know

  • The Liberals are using two tactics to confiscate legally owned handguns in slow motion by criminalizing government-licensed firearm users who buy, sell or give away any handgun:
    1. Regulation (OIC)
    2. Legislation (Bill C-21)
  • They filed their planned regulations in the House of Commons and the Senate on Monday May 30.
    • Which committees? They didn’t say.
    • We assume SECU (Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security) in the House and SECD (Standing Committee on National Security and Defence) in the Senate.
    • SECU hasn’t replied to us. SECD just told us they haven’t heard anything, so it might be a different committee.
    • SECU meets Tuesdays and Thursdays. SECD meets Mondays. Presumably meetings stop during the summer break.
  • Bill C-21 will probably take at least a few weeks or months before it becomes law. (We wouldn’t be surprised if it passes this month or this year.)

Two Possible OIC Timings and Paths

SourceFirearms Act, Section 118

  1. Fall. The government must allow the House and Senate a period of 30 parliamentary sitting days to review the regulations, then cabinet can activate the regulations by OIC.
    • This would mean an OIC in the fall. That’s what the PM and Mendicino said on Monday.
  2. Any Day. Committees of the House (SECU?) and Senate (SECD?) could review the regulations and — if they wish — report back to their respective chambers that they have no amendments. Then the OIC is good to go.
    • The report can be one sentence and happen quickly. Or it could take weeks or months, if it happens at all.
    • Example: SECU’s report to the House on some Bill C-71 regulations from last year. It took six months, with a summer holiday and an election break in the middle.


  • A second-hand source (who we consider reliable) told us that SECU discussed the topic at today’s meeting, and that the matter didn’t make it to their agenda.

No Response From Department of Public Safety

  • We asked the Department of Public Safety about the above points. They didn’t respond.
  • They generally respond to us quickly.

What Else We Know

  • The Liberals said Monday they are working on OICs to criminalize licensed and lawful firearm users and businesses in at least three areas:
    1. Ammo mags
    2. Storage
    3. Imports (The so-called “Firearms-Marking Regulations.”)

What’s Next

  • Bill C-21: The government scheduled second reading in the House for Friday afternoon (tomorrow).

What Else You Need to Know

  • The legislative and regulatory processes are complex, hard to understand and hard to follow. (Example: We’re in contact with a senator this evening who was quite familiar with Bill C-21, but didn’t know about the regulations in parallel.)
  • Timings and agendas can change quickly.
  • This government doesn’t seem that interested in being transparent or forthright. They do seem intent on deception and disinformation.
  • In politics, anything is possible.

What You Can Do

  • A lot of people are asking us how to fight these latest political and regulatory attacks.
  • We can only respond with the usual: Take your friends shooting (National Range Day this Saturday!), help them buy guns, write to your MP, never vote Liberal, consider voting Conservative where they can win, …
  • Remember: Canada’s legislative and regulatory regime for gun ownership isn’t designed to simplify or encourage firearm ownership, it is designed to suppress firearm ownership.

Thank You

  • Thank you to members and supporters who send us info, input, and financial ammo.
  • wouldn’t exist without all of you.


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Topics: Bans, Bill C-21, Exclusives, Handguns