Bill C-71 Goes Back to House of Commons June 7, SECU Chair Says
09 May — Bill C-71, the Canadian government’s draft law to make it tougher for federally licensed gun owners to buy, own and use firearms, will return to the House of Commons on June 7, said the head of a parliamentary committee reviewing the text.
Did Goodale Just Say He’d Consider Unbanning ‘Assault Rifles’?
09 May — Canadian Minister of Public Safety Ralph Goodale told reporters yesterday that he isn’t rejecting any proposals outright when it comes to changing legal classifications of firearms. The media ran headlines saying he’s considering a ban on “assault rifles.” What if it were the opposite?
RCMP Is So Eager to Ban Guns It’s Already Enforcing Bill C-71
09 May 2018Update: See how this article contributed to change: RCMP Undermined Parliament on Bill C-71, House Speaker Says RCMP Rewrites Bill C-71 Website After Criticism — — Canada’s federal police agency is so eager to ban guns that it’s ordering owners to register their firearms under a law that doesn’t exist. The Royal Canadian Mounted…
My Call to Goodale on Bill C-71: I Was Anxious, But It Was Easy
27 April — I was anxious the first time I phoned a member of cabinet. It was two weeks ago, when I called Canadian Minister of Public Safety Ralph Goodale to oppose Bill C-71. Turns out it was a piece of cake. Here’s how it went.
Wanstalls Leads Retail Opposition to C-71 With Ad in Calibre Mag
19 April — Wanstalls Tactical & Sporting Arms just became the poster child of gun-industry opposition to the Canadian government’s Bill C-71 through a full-page ad in Calibre magazine. “We’re a very politically minded store,” Matt Mendel, the manager of the gun store near Vancouver, said in an interview. Bill C-71 is a draft law to…
C-71 Hurts Lawful Gun Owners, MP Gladu Says in Sarnia This Week
18 April — Following are comments opposing Canada’s Bill C-71 by Marilyn Gladu, the member of parliament for Sarnia-Lambton in southwestern Ontario.
RCMP to Help ‘Strengthen Controls on Handguns, Assault Weapons’
16 April — The RCMP, which helps decide who is allowed to own guns in Canada and which guns they are allowed to own, said in its annual plan today that it will support government efforts “to strengthen controls on handguns and assault weapons.” The plan comes the very day Brenda Lucki steps into her new…
Defence Staff Told to Not Fight Back If Attacked: National Post
12 April — Almost every civilian mass-shooting has been stopped by bullets: the attacker shoots himself or is shot by someone else. Office staff at Canada’s Department of National Defence are trying a different approach: sharing their feelings and hiding.