Alberta Joins Gun Owners in Federal Court Appeal to Stop Liberals — Alberta said it’s joining gun owners in their Federal Court of Appeal case to stop the federal Liberal Party’s mass criminalizations and confiscations ordered in May 2020.

The Alberta Ministry of Justice, which backed gun users and businesses in their initial case, told the appeals court yesterday that it intends to intervene on matters of both constitutional and administrative law.

‘Alberta Intends to Participate in This Appeal’

“As the Appellants have appealed the constitutional questions decided by the Federal Court of Canada, we write to advise that Alberta intends to participate in this appeal and make submissions regarding the constitutional questions raised in the Appellants’ Notices of Appeal,” Alberta’s letter said.

Tracey Wilson, an executive with the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights (CCFR), posted Alberta’s letter to the court from her personal account on the X website.

Why It Matters

  • Alberta is the second province known to be siding with honest citizens against the arbitrary federal crackdown on government-licensed gun users. Saskatchewan went public last week.
  • The appeal goes far beyond the rights of gun users, and touches on topics from property rights and cultural extinction to governance and abuse of authority.
  • Whatever the outcome of the appeal, the political stunt the Liberals unleashed on 01 May 2020 continues to undermine social stability. It destroyed confidence in politicians and police, eroded trust in state institutions, and showed government is a hostile threat to honest citizens.

The four groups of gun owners and businesses filing the appeal are consolidated under Federal Court of Appeal file A-327-23, led by the CCFR.
