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Canada Gun News: Week of 2020 December 21

Highlights This Week
– Attorney General of Canada Responds in Section 74 Application: PDF
– Attorney General: Over 140 Gun Owners Have Applied for Section 74 Court Hearings to Fight ‘Nullification’
– Liberals Stop Mentioning ‘Grandfathering’ As Confiscation Option
– Liberals Invite Candidates for Next Election
– Calgary Police Say January Shooting Deemed ‘Non-Culpable Homicide’


Liberal ‘Grandfathering’ Is Concealed Confiscation: Rick Hemmingson — The Liberal Party of Canada uses the term “grandfathering” to conceal the reality of their instant gun prohibitions, according to from Rick Hemmingson, a lawyer swith Hemmingson Law in Lacombe, Alberta. Hemmingson e-mailed yesterday evening in response to our report: Liberals Plan ‘Grandfathering’ Under Bans: Minister of Justice. An early version of…