Canadian Firearms Safety Course Handbooks, Latest Edition (2014)

17 November 2016
Reading time is 1 minute

Canadian Firearms Safety Course student handbook

The Canadian Firearms Safety Course student handbooks are essential reading for anyone taking the mandatory courses to get a gun licence, and a useful reference for all shooters in Canada.

The latest edition, from 2014, is hard to find online with a Google search. (Seriously.) The U.S. National Security Agency couldn’t find it. The Chinese couldn’t find it. WikiLeaks couldn’t find it. Not even the Russians could find it. Only the elite team of information-technology engineers at had the resources and expertise to scour the darkest corners of the World Wide Web and the RCMP’s secret archive to uncover this digital treasure. (Humour.)

Today, we are sharing it with you. It’s a single document, with the handbook for a firearm Possession and Acquisition Licence for so-called “non-restricted” guns (mainly shotguns and rifles) until page 207, followed by the handbook for “restricted” firearms (mainly handguns and some rifles, such as AR-15s).

Click here to access the PDF file on the Government of Canada Publications website.

You may also enjoy the links on’s page of online Resources.

The most important part of gun rights isn’t “gun,” it’s “rights.”

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Topics: CFSC, CRFSC, Licensing, Rules, Training