Alberta to Add Gun Rights to Province’s Bill of Rights

24 September 2024
Reading time is 2 minutes

We’re updating this story with details and context. — Alberta Premier Danielle Smith said today she plans a new law to add the rights of gun users to the province’s Bill of Rights, solidifying Alberta as the most firearm-friendly region in Canada.

Draft Legislation in November

Smith’s governing United Conservative Party will introduce the planned legislation including rights related to health and property when the provincial parliament resumes in November, she said today on her personal accounts on the X platform, YouTube, and other media.

Firearm Rights, Property Rights

Smith said today:

The amended Bill of Rights will also strengthen property rights, another cornerstone of living in a free and democratic society. The amendments will ensure that no Albertan can be deprived of their property without due process of law and and just compensation. This is a reaffirmation of your right to own and enjoy the property that you’ve worked so hard for.

There will also be an amendment to make clear that, in Alberta, we respect the right of individuals to legally acquire, keep, and safely use firearms. For many Albertans, firearms are critical to their livelihood and way of life.

I personally feel that law-abiding firearms owners have been unfairly targeted by our federal government for decades, and it is my hope that these amendments will better protect the rights of our farmers, ranchers, hunters, and sport enthusiasts going forward.

—Alberta Premier Danielle Smith

Why It Matters

  • Alberta — and its neighbour Saskatchewan — are the strongest provincial defenders of firearm users, and the strongest opponents of the federal Liberal Party’s efforts to criminalize gun owners and confiscate their gear.
  • If passed into law, the expanded Alberta Bill of Rights may give the province more administrative and legislative tools to block the current Liberal confiscations targeting many rifle owners and all handgun owners.
  • It may also encourage other provinces to follow Alberta’s lead to protect and promote individual rights, and stop authoritarian politicians.
  • Skeptical View: Words are cheap. What matters is action, and how the current and future provincial governments actually defend the rights of firearm users.


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Topics: Alberta, Laws, Rights