MP Tako Van Popta Gets Surge of Support With Gun-Safety Photos

24 February 2020
Reading time is 4 minutes
Conservative MP Tako van Popta. Source: @takovanpopta on Twitter — Canadian Member of Parliament Tako van Popta attracted a surge of online fans after sharing photos of himself taking the mandatory safety course for a federal gun licence.

“This is great!” Allan Harding, a three-time national pistol champion, replied on Twitter. “Thank you for taking time to do this.”

The newly elected Conservative Party MP from British Columbia had 129 retweets, 574 “likes” and 54 replies as of 5:15 p.m. Toronto time today in response to his Feb. 22 Twitter message. On Facebook, he had 100 comments and 126 shares.

His posts usually get responses in the low single digits, if any.

Concerned Constituents

Van Popta, who took the Canadian Firearms Safety Course with his grandson, said he signed up to understand voters.

They’re anxious about the governing Liberal Party’s plans to target them with mass confiscations-incarcerations.

The Liberals are preparing to order the forced surrender of a quarter-million rifles from their licensed owners, then go after handgunners.

Anyone who doesn’t turn in their gear could face jail.

Van Popta on Facebook

After hearing from many of my constituents about how they, law-abiding citizens, had concerns that the Liberal government was targeting them for owning guns and that the real problem, illegal guns and gang violence, was being ignored, I knew I had to learn more.

Source: Tako van Popta, Facebook, 22 Feb. 2020

Experience vs. Ignorance

Many federal, provincial and municipal politicians have a lifetime of experience with firearms, shooting culture and gun regulations.

A few others are demanding policies — including mass confiscations — in complete ignorance.

They don’t know that all guns are banned already for everyone who doesn’t have a permit authorized by the federal police.

Van Popta on Twitter

My constituents challenged me to take Canada’s Firearms Safety Course. If you want to have an opinion on guns, you should first learn about them.

Source: Tako van Popta, Twitter, 22 Feb. 2020

Getting a Licence

The first step to obtain a firearm Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) is what van Popta and his grandson did: take the safety course developed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

To be approved for a permit, applicants must:

  • Get a minimum score on written and practical exams on regulations and safe gun handling
  • Get spousal approval
  • Provide references
  • Submit a formal application with a professional photo and pay the application fee
  • Pass a background check by the police to get a temporary licence card
  • Pass a daily police screening to keep the licence

100+ Twitter, Facebook Replies

  • “Thank you for taking our concerns seriously,” Michael Hick commented on Facebook.
  • “Thank you,” Roy Dyment tweeted.
  • “I’m getting this framed,” SteveNixon_2019 said in a reply on Twitter.
  • “Thank you sir! I look forward to some range reports!” tweeted Kevin Curry.

More Canadian Than Hockey

Hunting and shooting are at the heart of Canadian heritage, tradition and the economy.

  • About 2.2 million adults have a licence, more than play golf, hockey, or soccer.
  • Millions more family and friends of all ages also hunt and shoot safely and responsibly under the control of permit holders.
  • Hunters provide valuable leadership, expertise and hundreds of millions of dollars each year for nature conservation, wildlife protection, habitat restoration and outdoor education.
  • Hunting and sport shooting contributed $5.9 billion to the economy in 2018.
  • The firearm industry employs almost 50,000 people.

Conservative Hope

Even though hunting and sport shooting are popular with MPs from all parties, van Popta’s Conservatives are the only ones opposing the Liberal confiscations-incarcerations against honest individuals and families.

Van Popta, a lawyer who was elected in October with more votes than almost all other candidates in his riding combined, said today he passed the gun-safety course with a near-perfect score.

High Score, Appreciation

I passed with a 94% while my grandson one upped me with a 96%.

Thank you to the excellent instructors, and a big thank you to my many constituents and the gun-owners from across Canada, who took the time to write to me and let me know what was important to them.

Source: Tako van Popta, Facebook, 24 Feb. 2020


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Topics: Bans, Licensing