- 21 May 2024TheGunBlog.ca — Natural Resources Canada responds to our questions about its new restrictions coming into force tomorrow targeting buyers and…
- 19 May 2024Highlights - RCMP CFP Updates Website on How Bill C-21 Restricts Buyers/Sellers of Ammo Mags - Alberta Can Regulate, Not…
- 12 May 2024Highlights - Sidney Island Deer Cull Used CZ Bren 2 Ms Rifles and 30-Round Mags - What Happened to Canada’s…
- 06 May 2024TheGunBlog.ca — The Sidney Island deer cull in British Columbia last December used CZ Bren 2 Ms rifles and 30-round…
- 05 May 2024Highlights - Canada's Anti-Gun Regime Is Unraveling - Liberals to Begin Gun Confiscations in 2025 (CBC) - CATF Presents: The…
- 28 April 2024Highlights - Mailing 'Prohibited’ Guns By Canada Post Is Illegal; Liberals Decline to Comment - Canada Post Refuses To Collect…
- 28 April 2024TheGunBlog.ca — Saskatchewan unanimously passed a motion this week calling on the Canadian government to hand over gun policy to…
- 27 April 2024TheGunBlog.ca — The Liberals want the gun owners they targeted with confiscation in May 2020 to mail in our “Prohibited”…
- 21 April 2024Highlights - Liberal Budget 2024 Confirms May 2020 Gun Confiscations on Hold - CSAAA Invites Nominations for President, Treasurer and…
- 14 April 2024Highlights - Alberta New Law (Bill 18) Will Further Protect Gun Users From Federal Liberals - Liberal Budget May Offer…
- 07 April 2024Highlights - Savage Arms Gets Provincial Help To Expand Ontario Rifle Factory - Colion Noir: Home Invasions Drop To Zero…
- 03 April 2024TheGunBlog.ca — Savage Arms Inc., which runs the biggest gun factory in Canada, will expand its Ontario plant with provincial-government…
- 31 March 2024Highlights - Saskatchewan Promotes Robert Freberg to Firearms Commissioner and Names Murray Cowan as CFO - Liberals Have Spent $42…
- 24 March 2024Highlights - Liberal Gun Confiscation Fantasy Begun in 2020 Has Cost $42 Million, Wasted Work of 77 FullTime Employees -…
- 19 March 2024TheGunBlog.ca — The Canadian government responds to our questions about the coming into force of Bill C-21, the Liberal Party’s…
- 17 March 2024Highlights - Ask AI: Libertarian Critique of Canada’s Anti-Gun Laws - Gary Mauser: Lock Up Violent Criminals
- 12 March 2024TheGunBlog.ca — We instructed one of the world's most-advanced AI chatbots to generate a libertarian critique of Canada’s anti-gun laws.…
- 10 March 2024Highlights - RCMP Moving to New Platform for Individual PAL and Business Gun Licences and Registrations
- 03 March 2024Highlights - PAL Rate Vs. Total Adults Rose in 2023 - Liberals Budget $6.4 Million More to Design Website for…
- 02 March 2024TheGunBlog.ca — The Canadian government responds to our questions on the status of its planned anti-gun policies. We sought clarification after…