Canada Gun Rights News: Week of 2024 September 23

28 September 2024
Reading time is 2 minutes


This Week

Liberal Gun-Confiscation Manager Greg Kenney Shares Some Details With Senate Committee

  • 25 September 2024

Liberals Say They’re ‘Very Much on Track’ to Begin Gun Confiscations They Aimed to Complete 2.5 Years Ago

  • 25 September 2024

Alberta to Add Gun Rights to Province’s Bill of Rights

  • 24 September 2024

Government Contracts & Grants

Source: CanadaBuys.caProactive Disclosure

Other Gun Media

CSAAA Says ‘Future of the Firearm Confiscation Program Remains Uncertain’

  • Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association
  • 26 September 2024
  • Key Quote: “The government’s decision to defer the amnesty until after the next federal election suggests a strategic move to delay the most contentious parts of the initiative. Many in the firearms community believe that the government has effectively abandoned the confiscation effort without publicly admitting it, pushing the responsibility onto future administrations. As the political landscape shifts, the future of the firearm confiscation program remains uncertain.”

Small Bore Canada F Class Championship

  • YouTube, By The Gunslinger
  • 22 September 2024

Other Media/Sources

RCMP Says One ATC for Protection of Life in 2023, Tim Thurley Reports

  •, By Tim Thurley
  • 27 September 2024

Liberals Publish New Rules From Bill C-21 on Administering ATC for Protection of Life in Canada Gazette

Saskatchewan Firearms Office Encourages Firearms Safety This Hunting Season

  • Saskatchewan Firearms Office
  • 26 September 2024

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Topics: ATC, Bans, CSAAA, Saskatchewan