Liberals Criminalize More PAL Holders, Intend to Simplify Future Confiscations

07 March 2025
Reading time is 4 minutes — Canada’s Liberal Party-led administration expanded its criminalizations and confiscations targeting government-licensed firearm owners today and promised more, as it works to suppress honest citizens, destroy gun culture, and weaken safety and security.

  • Today is the last business day for Justin Trudeau as Liberal leader.
  • The crackdown comes on the eve of an election that gun owners are counting on to undo the Liberal attacks.

Key Points

  • Immediate criminalization of every licensed owner and business that buys, sells, or owns an additional 179 makes and models of centrefire, magazine-fed, and semi-automatic rifle. (Total since May 2020 rises to about 2,500 models.)
  • Targeted individuals are protected by a temporary, limited, and partial “amnesty” until 01 March 2026.
    • Unknown if everyone targeted since May 2020 gets the extension, or only people targeted today.
  • Notable model banned today: U.S. M1 Carbine and spinoffs, including in .22LR
  • SKS was excluded from today’s bans.
  • Today’s crackdown targets the owners of 3,800 previously “Restricted” rifles that are now “Prohibited,” plus an unknown number of people who have so-called “Non-Restricted” models. (In addition to hundreds of thousands of people targeted since May 2020)
  • Liberals working to overhaul so-called “classification” regime to simplify future prohibitions.
  • OIC to criminalize owners of “pinned” mags is planned in coming weeks, even though the current administration may be retired by then for the election.
  • Reiterated goal of criminalizing anyone who sells any new model of firearm without explicit RCMP approval via their Firearms Reference Table (FRT).
  • May 2020 firearm confiscations to begin mid-June 2025. (RCMP Bryan Larkin said this.)
  • RCMP planning “mobile collection units” to seize firearms in remote areas. (RCMP Larkin)


Simplify Prohibition Via ‘Classification’

A pillar of the Liberal attacks on firearm users since the 1960s is a pre-confiscation mechanism they refer to as their “classification” regime.

Politicians and bureaucrats use it to arbitrarily pick which firearms are legal or illegal for civilians. They’ve secretly switched the classifications of about 2,500 makes and models since May 2020, including today.

The Liberals want to overhaul the process to simplify and expand future prohibitions.

“…  the Government is launching a review of firearms classification. The Government will also be examining how the legal framework for prohibited weapons, devices, and ammunition can be modernized to close gaps in the law,” the Liberals said today.

Why It Matters

  • The Liberals have been working on their mass-confiscation fantasies for almost seven years, and still have no idea how to execute them.
  • They face grassroots and institutional opposition. Alberta and Saskatchewan have passed laws to block the attacks.
  • isn’t aware of anyone who intends to surrender any firearm. The Liberals set October 30 as the deadline for voluntary surrender, after failing to meet their two previous deadlines.
  • Gun owners are counting on the Conservative Party to win this year’s election and stop the Liberal attacks before that date, and then to repeal Canada’s anti-gun laws.

Why the Confiscations Will Fail

“I want to reemphasize the complexity and the challenge of this,” RCMP Senior Deputy Commissioner Bryan Larkin said at a media briefing today. “It is a priority, but I do want to emphasize that simply the collection piece alone, the destruction piece, is a large, complex initiative that has a significant amount.”

Bendayan Quotes

Rachel Bendayan, a Liberal anti-gun activist member of parliament, said the following at a media briefing. Some of the comments were translated from French by

  • “Pinned” Mags: “I can confirm that we will present new regulations in the coming weeks to move forward with measures on high-capacity magazines.”
  • FRT: “That is why I have instructed my officials to strengthen these rules so that manufacturers and importers have to wait for the completion of a technical assessment and obtain a reference number before new guns enter the Canadian market.”

More Context

  • Canada’s entire firearm framework falls under criminal law, affecting millions of licensed men and women, and our unlicensed families and friends in our daily lives.
  • The Liberals have eliminated almost all centrefire, mag-fed, semi-auto rifles and shotguns from the government-controlled market. (Roughly: Canada has gone back to the 1800s in terms of firearm design.)
  • They’ve also criminalized all buying, selling, and inheriting of any handgun in the government-controlled market.
  • The free market is unaffected.


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Topics: Bans, FRT, Laws