Poilievre Says He’ll Cancel Liberals’ ‘Ridiculous Gun Grab’ Targeting PAL Holders

03 February 2025
Reading time is 2 minutes

(Update February 04: Adds context on confiscation deadline.)

TheGunBlog.ca — Conservative Party of Canada Leader Pierre Poilievre, favoured to become prime minister this year, said today he will cancel the Liberal Party’s mass criminalizations and confiscations unleashed in May 2020 targeting government-licensed gun users.

‘Getting Rid of the Ridiculous Gun Grab’

“We will save $600 million by getting rid of the ridiculous gun grab that has not taken a single firearm off the street, and goes after licensed, law-abiding, trained and tested hunters and sport shooters,” Poilievre said, according to a video on his personal YouTube channel (Timestamp 15:30)

Poilievre made the comment in answer to a question after a speech on his planned border, security, and trade policy.

Why It Matters

  • The comment is one of Poilievre’s clearest statements about his intentions on the May 2020 attacks should he win this year’s election.
  • It’s possibly the first time he pledged specifically to repeal the May 2020 crackdown aimed at rifle and shotgun owners.
  • They’re counting on Poilievre to win the election and cancel the Liberal confiscation order before the October 30 deadline for the forced seizures.
  • The Conservative Party is the only group in the House of Commons and Senate that isn’t actively working to suppress Canada’s 2.4 million individuals with a firearm Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL).


  • The Liberals said in December they budgeted $600 million over the next three years for their failing confiscation effort, in addition to almost $100 million they’ve already wasted.
  • They had estimated the cost at almost $2 billion in late 2019, and had initially set a deadline of April 2022 to complete their forced seizures.
  • Opinion polls and projections aggregated by 338Canada.com suggest the Conservatives will win almost two-thirds of the seats in the House of Commons in this year’s election.


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Topics: Bans, Conservatives, Pierre Poilievre
