TheGunBlog.ca — In a new advance for Canada’s government-licensed gun owners, an Ontario court ordered the disclosure of “all information” on the RCMP algorithm invented for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s political attacks begun in May 2020.
Ontario Court of Justice Order to Canadian Government, by Justice Anthony Leitch, 06 January 2022:
Disclosure order: All information concerning the development and use of an algorithm used to identify the firearms set out in the letters titled “Firearm Registration Certificate Impacted by the Amended Classification Regulations” dated July 20, 2020 for each of the applicants before the court.
- The court order stems from five cases in Ontario court using Section 74 of Canada’s Firearms Act to fight the sudden mass-criminalization of government-licensed gun owners.
- The Section 74 applicants are among 100,000 – 200,000 honest Canadians who were turned into criminals on 01 May 2020 by Trudeau with his governing Liberal Party and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
- All the owners face criminal charges, jail, police raids, and the confiscation of their suddenly blacklisted rifles and shotguns.
Why It Matters
- The Section 74 applicants are still in the fight for justice. A win for them could mean a win for everyone targeted by the Liberal+RCMP crackdowns.
- The Liberals+RCMP have refused repeatedly to provide details on why and how they targeted government-licensed firearm owners. Opinion polls show anti-gun plans help the Liberal Party win votes.
- The judge rejected the government’s claim of “national security” as a reason to hide the RCMP attack algorithm.
- The case again shows how the RCMP is working with the Liberals to suppress honest citizens.
- The court order again highlights the urgent need for legal clarity.
RCMP Created Its Attack Algorithm
Samantha Pillon, a government lawyer with the Attorney General of Canada (AGC), said in a letter to Leitch the day before his disclosure order:
The algorithm is the proprietary software of the RCMP Canadian Firearms Program (RCMP). The AGC can confirm that the algorithm was created and used by the RCMP in Canada only.
What’s Next
- The Canadian government is likely to appeal the court order, Ian Runkle said yesterday in his video analysis. Runkle, a lawyer, is targeted by the crackdowns and challenged them via Section 74.
- With 7 cases in Federal Court and more than 120 Section 74 applications filed in provincial court, and given that whichever side loses is likely to appeal, the Liberal+RCMP attacks will probably end up at the Supreme Court.