Police Kill Man in Gun Confiscation in Maryland: Baltimore Sun

24 November 2018
Reading time is 2 minutes

TheGunBlog.ca — Police in Maryland killed an armed man during a scuffle after he refused to surrender his guns in a court-ordered confiscation, the Baltimore Sun reported Nov. 5, citing police and family.

Two officers in Anne Arundel county south of Baltimore went to seize the 60-year-old man’s firearms around 5 a.m., the newspaper reported. He went to the door with a gun, put it down when he saw the officers, then picked it back up when he learned they planned to seize his firearms, the paper said.

A fight occurred as one of the officers sought to disarm the resident, the paper said. The man’s gun discharged without hitting anyone, then one of the officers shot the man dead, the newspaper reported.

The police were confiscating the man’s firearms under a court order following a month-old “red-flag” law to disarm people considered a danger to themselves or others, the paper said.

In Canada, 1,805 police and other public agencies seized 25,123 firearms across the country in 2016, according to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s 2016 Commissioner of Firearms report.

The report showed 422,887 people were prohibited from having guns because of criminal convictions or court orders.

In many cases, the federal police monitor licensed gun owners more closely than individuals with firearm-prohibition orders.

The federal government is examining a “full ban” on handguns and other firearms owned by Canada’s 2.2 million lawful and licensed hunters and sport shooters, potentially leading to hundreds of thousands of confiscations.

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