Firearms Marking Regulations

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List of Canada’s Federal Gun Laws and Regulations

[Newest Update: 23 February 2022] — Having and using guns in Canada is hyper-regulated by more than 24 federal laws and regulations, plus many more provincial and municipal restrictions. The List Below is the list of federal prohibitions and restrictions based mostly on the Firearms Act and Criminal Code. SOR = Statutory Orders and…

Canada Plans New Gun-Marking System for Tracing to Owners — The Canadian government will require guns to be marked in a way that links them to their owners for police tracing, raising concern of a new registration system that violates privacy and eases future bans. The new system will revamp the UN-inspired Firearms Marking Regulations and take effect Dec. 1, 2020, the Ministry…

Canada Defers Gun-Import Restrictions to Avoid Hurting Industry — The Canadian government postponed gun-import restrictions that threaten to cripple the shooting industry so it can clarify the so-called Firearms Marking Regulations and avoid “undue constraints” on gun owners and companies. The regulations were delayed for two years until Dec. 1, 2020, from Dec. 1 this year, the Ministry of Public Safety said…

Gun Imports Rise in Choppy Year to 2nd-Highest Level on Record — Canadian gun imports jumped in the first nine months of the year to the second-highest level on record, in a turbulent period that saw shipments surge before a planned legal change, and then plunge. The gains were driven by shotguns from Italy, rifles from Finland and handguns from Austria.

Canada Postpones Firearms Marking Regulations for Eighth Time

The Canadian government postponed its Firearms Marking Regulations for the eighth time since they were adopted in 2004 amid confusion about how to enforce and obey the policy and concern about its effects. This was the first deferral by a governing party that had campaigned on a plan to implement the rules “immediately.”

IRunGuns Stirs Debate and Confusion With Post on UN Gun Markings

IRunGuns LLC triggered relief, rebuke and confusion after the Canada-U.S. gun dealer downplayed new UN firearms-marking rules, contradicting industry and shooters’ groups that said the measures will cripple or kill Canada’s gun industry. The Arizona-based company may have spoken too soon.