Solomon Friedman to SECU: Bill C-21 Erodes Public Safety and Trust
20 October — Solomon Friedman, a firearm lawyer, warned Canada’s House of Commons today about the risks of Bill C-21, the Liberals’ newest draft anti-gun law. Below is his introductory statement to the committee reviewing the bill.
Q&A With Nicolas Johnson of
20 October 2022Q&A With Nicolas Johnson of, originally published in Canadian Access To Firearms (CATF).
What We Mean By ‘Gun Rights’ in Canada
17 October — Many Canadian gun owners are unsure about what “gun rights” means under Canada’s anti-gun laws. If you believe gun owners have the same rights as anyone else, then you support “gun rights.”
Canada Gun Rights News: Week of 2022 October 10
MEMBER EXCLUSIVE16 October 2022Highlights – Why Gun Owners Oppose Trudeau’s Attacks Begun in May 2020: Environics Survey – Poilievre Names ‘Shadow Ministers’ – Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick Oppose Trudeau’s Crackdown
Why Gun Owners Oppose Trudeau’s Attacks Begun in May 2020: Environics Survey
11 October — A newly released survey of Canadian gun owners prepared for the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shows why so many people oppose the mass criminalizations and confiscations he ordered in May 2020.
Canada Gun Rights News: Week of 2022 October 03
MEMBER EXCLUSIVE09 October 2022Highlights – Canada Gun Imports Surged in August to Monthly Record, Led By Handguns – Liberals Can Now Use OIC to Finish Killing Handgun Market – Federal Court: Hearing on Long-Gun Confiscations in April 2023
Calibre Magazine Publisher Daniel Fritter on Gun Publishing and Politics (Video)
07 October — Watch our video conversation with Daniel Fritter, the founder and publisher of Calibre, which calls itself Canada’s firearms magazine.
Canada Gun Rights News: Week of 2022 September 26
MEMBER EXCLUSIVE02 October 2022Highlights – Alberta Blocks Trudeau’s Plan to Use RCMP as Confiscation Agents – Analysis of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba Statements Against Confiscations – Calgary Police Chief Supports Trudeau’s Confiscations
Saskatchewan Refuses to Support Trudeau’s Attacks on Gun Owners
28 September — Saskatchewan told the province’s RCMP commander that it refuses to support or pay for any action connected to Trudeau’s political attacks on gun users., following Alberta and signaling the crackdown will fail.
Alberta Blocks Trudeau’s Plan to Use RCMP as Gun-Confiscation Agents
26 September — Alberta said it will block Trudeau’s plan to use the RCMP as confiscation agents for his political attacks against gun owners and businesses, increasing the odds that Trudeau will fail.