- 20 April 2021TheGunBlog.ca — The Canadian government is still calculating the costs of the mass gun confiscations it unleashed last May against…
- 18 April 2021Highlights - Gun Licences Fell in 2020 for First Time in a Decade on Covid-19 - RCMP Provides 2020 Data…
- 14 April 2021TheGunBlog.ca — The RCMP comments below on its 26 February 2021 "nullification" notice to 1,865 more gun owners targeted by…
- 13 April 2021TheGunBlog.ca — The RCMP provided the following data at 31 December 2020: - Number of individuals with a firearm Possession…
- 11 April 2021Highlights - Canada Gun Imports Rose in February to Six-Month High - Bill C-71: ‘Significant Elements’ to Take Effect This…
- 04 April 2021Highlights - Most-Viewed Reports in First Quarter 2021 - Section 74: Alberta Judge Allows Hearing to Decide Jurisdiction in 4…
- 28 March 2021- Section 74: Alberta Justice Fradsham Says Crawford Hearing Can Proceed - Some Mayors Against Bill C-21 Are NOT Our…
- 21 March 2021- Manitoba Says Bill C-21 ‘Unfairly Targets Legal Firearm Owners’ Names Advisory Group - CSSA: Liberals to Offer Choice of…
- 14 March 2021- When Police Don’t Knock - Section 74: Procedural Win as Alberta Judge Allows Evidence - Canadian Military Begins Search…
- 07 March 2021Highlights - Trudeau a Decade Ago: Guns Are Part of Canadian Culture and Heritage - Blair Comments on New Handgun-Safe…
- 06 March 2021Memos Show: - Bill C-71 to take effect over the next year - New "Firearms Buyback Secretariat" - RCMP prints…
- 28 February 2021Highlights - O’Toole Pledges to Repeal Trudeau’s Attacks Against Gun Owners as PM - Government Responds to How Bill C-21…
- 22 February 2021TheGunBlog.ca — Canada’s Department of Justice responds below to our questions on how Bill C-21 interacts with Bill C-22 in…
- 21 February 2021Highlights - Trudeau Files Bill C-21 as New Law to Criminalize Gun Owners - Ontario and Alberta Oppose Bill C-21…
- 19 February 2021TheGunBlog.ca — The Canadian government is drafting new rules on storing guns and on using the Firearms Marking Regulations and…
- 14 February 2021Highlights - Blair May File New Anti-Gun Law on Feb. 16, House Agenda Shows - Edward Burlew Files First Section…
- 13 February 2021TheGunBlog.ca — Canada’s Liberal Party-led government will present its new law against federally licensed gun owners on February 16, the…
- 08 February 2021TheGunBlog.ca — The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, which administers private gun ownership, said it’s working to expand and improve online…
- 07 February 2021Highlights - Most-Viewed Articles at TheGunBlog.ca for January 2021 - Five Reasons to Support Court Actions That Support You -…
- 31 January 2021Highlights - O’Toole Is Driving Some Gun Owners to Ditch the Conservatives - - Conservative MP Bob Saroya’s Personal Anti-Gun…