CCFR Lawsuit Backed By Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

13 July 2020
Reading time is 2 minutes — Canada’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is backing the CCFR lawsuit against the governing Liberal Party’s May 1 confiscation order attacking honest citizens.

Illegal, Unconstitutional

“Our position is that the Order-in-Council is outside the bounds of the rule of law and the Constitution,” Jay Cameron, Litigation Manager for the Calgary-based JCCF, said in a statement today on the website of the non-profit law firm.

The JCCF said it “will apply to intervene in the Federal Court legal action commenced by the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights.”

Five Court Challenges

The CCFR suit is among at least five federal and provincial court cases to block the attack by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

He specifically targeted more than 2 million federally licensed firearm users for mass rifle and shotgun confiscations in one of the biggest crackdowns against honest citizens by any democracy in history.

He’s preparing to go after handgun owners next.

Abuse of Power

Trudeau unleashed his surprise, retroactive confiscation order in the middle of the day on May 1 after drafting it in secret with the federal police, hiding it from parliamentary oversight.

Opponents include provinces and police who view his confiscation plan as an abuse of power that violates basic principles of ethics, justice, governance and the rule of law.

Almost a quarter-million people have put their names on a petition to stop Trudeau in the No. 1 online petition in House of Commons history. (Have you signed yet?)

Mounting Opposition

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation applied to join a separate lawsuit to oppose the waste of hundreds of millions or billions of tax dollars.

The growing resistance to the confiscation order, especially by citizens who intend to opt out, suggest Trudeau’s plan will fail.


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Topics: Bans, CCFR, Lawsuits