C-71 Hurts Lawful Gun Owners, MP Gladu Says in Sarnia This Week

18 April 2018
Reading time is 2 minutes

TheGunBlog.ca — Following are comments opposing Canada’s Bill C-71 by Marilyn Gladu, the member of parliament for Sarnia-Lambton in southwestern Ontario.

Gladu is a member of the Conservative Party, the official opposition. The comments are from an opinion column entitled Heatwave in the House of Commons, published yesterday on the website of Sarnia This Week:

The government has also introduced new gun legislation, Bill C-71. Many concerns have been raised with me about this legislation. The government claims it is trying to address the problem of guns and gangs in big cities in Canada, but the facts show that these crimes often involve illegal and smuggled guns and individuals who are not complying with current gun laws. I doubt that criminals will comply with the new laws being proposed, either. In addition, this bill brings back an undisclosed gun registry, and it is unclear which judicial mechanism would be needed to retrieve the information involved in this aspect of the legislation. It also allows the RCMP, with no parliamentary oversight, to classify weapons – turning legitimate firearm owners into criminals overnight!

We don’t currently have an issue with lawful gun owners in Canada, and while everyone supports eliminating the gang violence with semi-automatic weapons, I do not think this bill will address that problem – and neither do the experts. Most concerning is that while the Government says they introduced C-71 to crack down on guns and gangs, they also introduced C-75 which actually reduces criminal penalties to gang members involved in gun crime – this makes no sense.

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Topics: Bill C-71, Laws
