Canada’s Gun Industry in ‘Significant Downturn’ From Liberals, CSAAA Says

26 July 2024
Reading time is 2 minutes — The Liberal Party of Canada’s policies to suppress gun users and businesses have pushed the firearm and hunting industry into a “significant downturn,” the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association said today.

‘Unworkable Regulations’

“The hunting and firearm industry is currently facing significant challenges,” CSAAA said on its website. “There are several factors contributing to this situation, but a major contributing factor is the introduction of new, virtually unworkable regulations and senseless prohibitions over the last five years.”

CSAAA, Canada’s leading association for the firearm industry, didn’t name any political parties in its statement.


  • The Liberals are the most-hostile faction in the House of Commons against government-licensed firearm users and businesses.
  • They have won three elections since 2015 campaigning on promises to expand their criminalizations and confiscations.
    • They eliminated more than a third of the firearm market by criminalizing government-licensed buyers of all handguns and many popular rifle models, and ordering their eventual confiscation.
    • They require explicit government approval for all firearm purchases through a web portal that is often offline.
    • They plan to greatly expand their rifle and shotgun confiscations.
  • The Liberal attacks on gun culture and the firearm industry, combined with economic policies that erode personal income and wealth, have forced many individuals to cut spending on guns, gear and shooting activities, and have forced many stores and suppliers to scale back or close.

Buy Guns and Ammo

“Now, more than ever, it’s crucial to support the small businesses that form the backbone of Canada’s hunting and firearm community,” CSAAA said.


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Topics: Bans, Industry