Liberals Reveal Rifle/Shotgun Confiscation Plans in New Request for Information

14 July 2022
Reading time is 4 minutes
Screenshot of Canadian government's Request for Information for mass gun confiscations. Source: — Canada’s governing Liberal Party revealed new details today of its political attacks against government-licensed gun owners, as it struggles to begin mass firearm confiscations it had hoped to complete three months ago.



  • The RFI shows Trudeau still doesn’t have any idea how to execute his crackdown. His plan will almost certainly fail.
  • The RFI suggests any company that works on the confiscations will risk significant business and legal liabilities.
  • Trudeau is targeting hundreds of thousands of licensed gun owners and businesses to confiscate our newly prohibited rifles and shotguns, as well as “parts of weapons, accessories, cartridge magazines, ammunition and projectiles.” (Page 2 of the RFI)
  • His plans assume targeted owners will willingly volunteer our personal information to the confiscators, invite confiscation agents to our homes, and surrender our cherished personal/family belongings.
    • In many cases, these assumptions will prove false.


  • The Liberals refer to their confiscation targets (you and me) as “clients.”
  • “NPF” = Newly Prohibited Firearm
  • The RFI PDF is missing page numbers 6, 9 and 10.
    • Update July 21:The government said: “The numbering is not in sequence but there is no missing content.”

Key Points in Today’s Request for Information (RFI)

  • Title: Request for Information (RFI): Buyback Program (BBP) (0D160-24489/A)
  • For: Public Safety Canada
  • Date: 14 July 2022

Collection and Transportation

  • “Clients will confirm their intent to participate, their disposal choice and the compensation amount for their NPFs.” (p. 14)
    • Comment: This assumption could prove false in many cases where owners intend to opt out.
  • “Collection agents to pick up firearm(s) from owner.” (p. 14)
    • Comment: In some cases, this could be quite a spectacle.
  • “Upon approval, payments will be issued to firearm owners. In most instances, firearm owners will be paid the amount that was agreed upon during the self declaration process.” (p. 14)
    • Comment: This assumes we will participate in the “self-declaration process,” which could be a false assumption. Then again, we’d consider compensation of $10 million per firearm.
  • The Liberals want a confiscation company with the staffing and infrastructure to “host a collection event or to receive scheduled NPF drop- offs” (p. 7)
  • “The vast majority of impacted firearms are expected to be located in urban areas” (p. 7)
    • Comment: In some cases of rural pickup, the confiscators will have to travel thousands of kilometres to seize the gear.
  • The Liberals are considering how to disable our goods at pickup, before transport or storage, e.g., by “permanently bending the barrel and/or other alternatives)” (p. 7)


  • “Canada would prefer an off-the-shelf tracking solution that has already been effectively used in projects of similar size and scope” (p. 8)
    • Comment: No crackdown of similar size and scope exists.

Storage Solutions

  • “Working controlled receipt rate of 1,000 – 1,500 declared NPFs per day” (p. 11)
  • “Working storage volume of 150,000 NPFs” (p. 11)
    • Comment: Industry estimates suggest the number of targeted firearms is considerably higher.
  • “It is expected that the majority of impacted firearms are located in urban areas in the provinces of Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia” (p. 11)

Package Inspection

  • “Techniques and technologies to scan/x-ray shipment arrivals” (p. 12)


  • “Environmentally-friendly destruction capacity that may allow for the recycling of metal scraps” (p. 12)
  • “Data entry to confirm destruction of the firearm” (p. 12)
  • “Safe disposal of magazines, and other devices” (p. 12)
  • “With respect to destroying NPFs, Canada is currently considering the following definitions: Destruction: rendering NPF permanently non-functional by smelting, crushing, shredding, cutting into small pieces or using a similar process to ensure it is infeasible to repair the firearm and none of the core components are reusable for the construction of a firearm” (p. 12)

Post-Destruction Recycling

  • “Environmental services to remove scrap metal and residual materials after destruction” (p. 13)

Request for Information PDF



  • Trudeau, working in secret with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, ordered the mass criminalizations and confiscations on 01 May 2020.
  • They represent one of the biggest crackdowns against honest citizens in history, outside war.
  • Massive opposition and obstacles led the initial plan to fail, and forced Trudeau to extend his deadline to October 2023 from April 2022.
  • He outlined more legislative and regulatory attacks on 30 May 2022, as he works to weaken citizens, kill sport shooting, and destroy the firearm industry.


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