Canadian Government Media
- House of Commons Hansard (June 2018)
- Senate Hansard (October 2018) (Refers to the “Stop C-71” book)
- Senate Hansard (November 2018) (Refers to the “Stop C-71” book)
General Media (Alphabetical)
Non-Exhaustive List
Almaguin News
- CBC Radio Saskatchewan: Blue Sky
- Radio Canada International: The Gun Debate in Canada: Where Lies Truth? Part 1
- CBC News New Brunswick: N.B. COVID-19 Roundup: Costs of Guns, Ammunition Could Go Up
The Canadian Press via
- CityNews Toronto: Gun Policy a Stand-In for Other Issues in Crowded Conservative Leadership Race
- CP24: COVID, Law Fears Fuel Spike in Firearms, Ammunition Sales Across Canada
- CTV News: Gun-Rights Advocates React to Toronto’s Call for a Handgun Ban
- CTV News: COVID, Law Fears Fuel Spike in Firearms, Ammunition Sales Across Canada
- Edmonton Sun: COVID, Law Fears Fuel Spike in Firearms, Ammunition Sales Across Canada
- Global News: Gun Policy a Stand-In for Other Issues in Crowded Conservative Leadership Race
- The Globe and Mail: Call for Toronto handgun ban reignites passionate gun control debate
- HuffPost Canada: COVID, Law Fears Fuel Spike in Firearms, Ammunition Sales Across Canada
- National Post: Call for Toronto handgun ban reignites passionate gun control debate
- National Post: COVID, Law Fears Fuel Spike in Firearms, Ammunition Sales Across Canada
- Ottawa Citizen: COVID, Law Fears Fuel Spike in Firearms, Ammunition Sales Across Canada
- Le Quotidien: Les Ventes D’Armes et de Munitions en Hausse, Selon des Détaillants
- Red Deer Advocate: Call for Toronto handgun ban reignites passionate gun control debate
- Toronto Star: Call for Toronto handgun ban after Danforth shooting reignites passionate gun control debate
- Winnipeg Free Press: Call for Toronto handgun ban reignites passionate gun control debate
- Winnipeg Free Press: COVID, Law Fears Fuel Spike in Firearms, Ammunition Sales Across Canada
CTV News
- Truth Tracker: What does the Liberals’ gun ban really involve?
- 16 people shot during violent weekend in Toronto (video clip)
- One year later, questions surrounding Danforth attack remain unanswered
Daily Caller
- Trudeau Bans ‘Military-Grade Assault Weapons’ In Canada, Considers Confiscation
- Trudeau Plans ‘To Ban Military-Style Assault Rifles’ — Critics Ask, Meaning What?
- Printing a Gun in Canada Could Get You 10 Years in Jail
- Trudeau Dodges Questions on Total Handgun Ban in Toronto
- Toronto Asks Trudeau Government for Total Handgun Ban in City
The Economist
Gateway Pundit
The Globe and Mail
- Taking Aim at Doctors Who Take a Stand on Gun Control
- Liberals Reverse Course on Mandatory Assault-Rifle Buyback Program, Opting to Make It Voluntary
The Hamilton Spectator
The Hill Times
- ‘Ping-Pong’ Gun Politics Continue to Divide Voters, as O’Toole Courts GTA Seats
- Joly’s Intervention to Ban Handgun Imports ‘a Significant and Creative Measure,’ Says Gun Control Advocate
- Airsoft Reps Say Government’s Sweeping Firearms Legislation Will ‘shutter This Industry Entirely’
- Feds’ Gun-Control Bill Might Not Become Law Before 2019 Election
- More Than 23,000 Handguns in Toronto: RCMP
- Cabinet Gave Three-Year Amnesty for Assault-Style Rifles the Day Gun Bill Tabled
National Post
- First Reading: Another Liberal Gun Policy That Neatly Ignores Where the Guns Come From
- Links to TheGunBlog.ca on “only two Canadians” who have Authorization To Carry.
- Government Documents Project Liberals’ Gun Buyback to Cost Nearly $2B, Double Minister’s Estimates
- References TheGunBlog.ca as the source for its report.
- Canada Post Wants No Part of Trudeau Liberals’ Gun Grab: CEO
Omni TV
- Discussing Handgun Prohibition (August 2019)
- Bill C-21 Analysis (June 2022)
Rebel News
- Justin Trudeau Is Sneaking More Legal Firearms Onto His Ban List
- RCMP: No “Public Safety” Reason to Confiscate Firearms From Legal Owners
- Liberals Run “Sham” Consultation for Latest Gun Control Law
- Feds Are Hesitant to Disclose ‘True Cost’ of Gun ‘Buyback’ Scheme
- Parks Canada Earmarked $12 Million to Eradicate Invasive Deer Population in B.C.
- RCMP Asks Reservists to Aid Federal Gun Confiscation Efforts: Report
- RCMP Reports 45 Firearms Stolen Since 2014, Including Grenade Launcher
Saint-Catharines Standard
Saskatoon StarPhoenix
Stoney Creek News
Toronto Star
- Toronto has little ammunition in handgun ban debate
- Is a handgun ban legally — or politically — complicated for Liberals?
- Erin O’Toole says he would uphold ban on ‘assault weapons’ — just not which ones
Toronto Sun
- Gunter: More Concerning Revelations About the Liberals’ Latest Gun Bans
- Gunter: Here’s How Trudeau’s Gun Ban Is About to Get Worse
- Gunter: Trudeau’s Plan for Misguided Gun Ban? Mail Them In
- Taxpayers Dole Out $67 Million for a Gun-Grab Program That Doesn’t Yet Exist
- Trudeau Liberals Expand Gun Grab, Adding 324 New Models to Ban List
- Liberal Government Adds 179 New Models to Prohibited Firearms
The True North Initiative
Vancouver Sun
Firearm Media
- Canadian Shooting Sports Association: Regularly featured in E-News
- National Firearms Association: Regularly at the top of the Daily Media Report
- Calibre Magazine
- U.S. National Rifle Association (NRA) News, NRA-ILA
- Canada’s Gun Control Advocates Boast Handgun Ban is “Within Reach”
- Lawsuits Begin Over Trudeau’s “Assault Weapon” Ban
- “More Canadian Than Hockey” – Canadian Gun Licenses Hit Record High
- Fallout From Trudeau’s Gun Grab: Crime is Up, Number of Gun Ranges Drops
- Canada’s Gun Grab – Running Out of Road
- Canada’s Confiscation Scheme – A Lesson for America
- NRA: Canada Announces New Gun Bans, More Gun Control on the Horizon
- U.S. NRA: The Great Canadian Gun Grab – The End is Near?
- NRA: Canada: A Fresh Gun Ban as Trudeau Exits
- U.S. National Shooting Sports Foundation
- Bearing Arms
- The Firearm Blog
- Firearms News
- Top Story: Trudeau Files New Law to Criminalize Canadian Gun Owners
- Top Story: Canada’s New Gun Ban: OH, CANADA! An Interview with Nicholas Johnson of TheGunBlog.ca Regarding Canada’s New Gun Ban
- Airbnb Financing Group Campaigning Against Canadian Gun Owners
- Trudeau Renews Pledge of Mass Gun Bans, To Address Parliament
- Canadian Leftists Want Gun Owners Removed from Cities and Massive Gun Confiscation
- Toronto Police Chief Doesn’t Support Gun Bans
- Ontario, Canada Chief Firearms Officer Comments on AR-15 Buying Surge and Gun Licensing
- Trudeau Gun Ban Targets 200,000 Long Guns: Global News
- Alberta Canada Fights Trudeau’s Gun Confiscation
- Guns.com
- GunsAmerica.com
- Justice for Gun Owners
- The Truth About Guns
- Chat Groups and Discussion Forums: Canadian Gun Nutz, Gun Owners of Canada, Reddit.com/r/CanadaGuns, Glock Talk, Army.ca, Navy.ca, Nova Scotia Hunting, Outdoors Men Forum, Extreme-Precision.com, …
Lady Gaga Fan Sites (Seriously!)
- Gaga Daily: Canadian Ranger Rifle Coming to Public — Tikka Introduces the “Arctic”
- Looks like they’ve since taken it down.